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419,99 €Price
MANERA didžiuojasi pristatydami HALO!
Įsivaizduokite trapeciją, suteikiančią labai tvirtą atramą, bet tuo pačiu puikiai prisitaikančią prie Jūsų kūno ir judesių.
Trapeciją, turinčią novatorišką užsegimą ir spreaderbar’ą.
Trapeciją, kurios kiekviena dalis gali būti keičiama.
Trapeciją, turinčią tiek dydžių, kad tobulai gali atitikti Jūsų kūno formą.


Savo dydį pasitikrink:

  • Info & Specifications

    The Softshell

    The softshell provides perfect adaptability to the user's body type and movements.
    But it becomes distorted under the pressure of the kite: The user's sides are compressed.
    It therefore has good adaptability, but little hold.

    The Hardshell

    The hardshell does not become distorted under the pressure of the kite: The user's sides are not compressed.
    But it has no adaptability to the user's body type and movements.
    It therefore has a very good hold, but little adaptability.

    By separating the functions of "effort management" and "comfort", we have created a harness that adapts perfectly to your body type and your movements, while offering unparalleled support.


    Stiffness Lightness Durability
    100% 100% 100%


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